DnDoodles is a way of creating a tangible, fun comicbook-like capture of your tabletop role playing game sessions. These doodle sessions, or Chronicles, are done live in-person or online, or from a recording. A range of drawing fidelity is offered by the Chronicler depending on the game players’ wishes and constraints, with further options to commit to single game sessions or longer campaigns. Whether simply looking for a custom portrait of your role playing game character, or an entire series of hand crafted comic books of epic journeys, DnDoodles offers a plethora of products to immortalize your tabletop role playing experience and bring your characters and worlds to life.
First, the Chronicler meets and collaborates with the party to decide on art style and number of sessions to doodle. Boundaries and expectations are established before embarking on any DnDoodle campaign.
Next, using information provided by the players, the Chronicler will produce Character Sheets for each player character to use for reference when doodling. Similarly, character designs will be produced for a selection of relevant non-player characters.
After establishing and agreeing upon designs, schedule a game session! DnDoodles are produced live, feeding off of the improvisational energy intrinsic to tabletop role playing games.
Depending on the quality selection chosen by the party members, the Chronicler may redraw a number of scenes or moments in higher fidelity, adding detail or color. Additional upgrades are available from portraits up to animation!
Once the Chronicle is completed, all party members will receive digital copies of their doodle session, with options for physical products available at an additional cost that scales with the tier of product.
From friendly one-shot campaigns to fully established teams with extended lore and dedicated players, DnDoodles is sure to elevate any tabletop role playing game experience!
Before beginning any DnDoodle excursion a sort of “session zero” will take place. This can be done in person or over video or audio call. The purpose of this meeting is to go over the boundaries and expectations of DnDoodles for the party members, and for the Chronicler to gain an understanding of the world and its players, to create portraits of their characters to represent them in the Chronicle, and to simply get to know eachother!
Once commissioned, the Chronicler will work alongside the party members to hone in on the level of detail and fidelity of the drawing, as well as the length of time or numbers of gameplay sessions to which they wish to dedicate. In short, before beginning a Chronicle the party chooses the quality and quantity of services provided.
First, choose your Caliber: Common, Heroic, or Legendary. Common Caliber Chronicles are the baseline quality and each Chronicle begins in this state. Drawings are done live or from recordings, but the emphasis of the process lies in improvisation, much like role playing games themselves. When choosing a higher Caliber, players decide a selection of favorite scenes or moments within the initial Chronicle to redraw in higher detail. Parties may also choose to have more color added, with additional fees calculated depending on Caliber.
Next, the party decides their Path: Quest, Journey, or Adventure. Paths essentially represent the length of a campaign, or willingness to commit to future Chronicles. Quests are for one-shot games or parties interested in first time DnDoodles. Higher tier Paths are recommended best for parties with established members and regular consistent schedules.
Once the Chronicle has been decided, the Chronicler will create a character reference sheet for each player character, and for a selection of relevant non-player characters determined by the game master.
On the Character Details page, each party member will fill out relevant information about their character such as their name, race, class, and equipment. Players will also choose a Line Color to represent them in the Chronicle. Be sure to discuss with your party members which color choice suits you best without overlap, as unique line colors aid the visual clarity of the doodles. Included on the page is a space for either drawing how you see your character and equipment, or to include reference pictures from things that inspired your player character.
Similar to the Character Details, the players or game master will fill out the NPC Details page. First, briefly describe the setting of your fantasy world. Is it high fantasy? Science fiction? Are there dragons or vampires? Write a short description of relevant lore or backstory, or any other details necessary for the Chronicler to be aware of. Depending on the parties Path selection, the party then decides on three to ten NPCs to create predetermined character designs for. Think relevant quest givers, important allies, or main villains. Any NPCs not established here will simply be improvised by the Chronicler using descriptions given by the game master.
Using this information, the Chronicler produces a Character Sheet, which includes a portrait of the player’s character, and a simplified doodle version that exists as a sort of visual shorthand to represent the character more simply and quickly. After the Character Sheets are produced and tweaked, the Chronicler will do the same for an NPC Sheet. Players may choose to upgrade to high quality portraits of their characters as a standalone artwork. Additional fees may apply for upgrades.
Standard Portrait
Upgraded Portrait
Contact me for inquiries!
Email me at live.dnd.oodles@gmail.com